
Will you need housing for your studies in Lyon Métropole ? We help you to find a place and assist you with formalities.


What type of housing should you choose ?

Student residences

Frequently located near universities, student residences offer various services (collective areas, laundry rooms, bike garage...) in addition to furnished housing.

There are number of private student residences and Crous housing in Lyon Métropole : find the one that meets your needs on our student residence list (french only).

Make a housing request to Crous

You must make a request on the Crous site by compiling your Student Social File (Dossier Social Etudiant, or DSE) with your request for a scholarship and housing, between January 15 and April 30 of each year.

Crous housing is awarded in priority to scholarship students and is attributed according to resources for the university year (renewable request).

Shared rentals

Living in a larger apartment while limiting expenses, not being alone, live with friends... Home sharing can have number of advantages for students.

2 types of lease exist for share rentals:

  • An individual lease: each renter signs a lease  with  the  ownerand is responsible for his or her  rent  only. Your  housing unit is divided  into  various surfaces and flatmates are not  legally  tied to the  others.
  • A single lease signed by joint renters: each  individual  has  the same rights and obligations, and everyone is equally  responsible for the  rental in case of damage or problems. You have to discuss with the other renters on how to organize for sharing the  rent, charges, shopping, cleaning and so on.
Did you know ?

The joint rental clause stipulates that co-renters are financially responsible for each other. If one renter does not pay his or her rent, another renter must pay it. The joint rental clause continues for up to six months after you have left the housing unit (corresponding to the end of your advance notice).


Discover solidarity rentals

If you want to co-rent while being involved in a solidarity project, various types of solidarity rentals are possible.

  • KAPS (Koloc’ A Projets Solidaires) are co-rentals for limited budgets that allow living as a community, in a priority  neighbourhood, focusing on social and solidarity  projects.
  • What about sharing  the  rent.. and social links with an elderly  person with inter-generational co-rentals  in their home ?  You can for example  suscribe on (french-speaking) ESDES Inter-Générations association website.

More solidarity rental and co-rental offers on Socoloc and Loc & coloc (french-speaking) websites.


You can also sublet your housing unit or look for a unit to sublet. However, certain points are mandatory:

  1. The owner must agree in writing to the sub-rental and to the monthly amount of the sub-rental;
  2. The amount of the sub-rental must not be more than the rental amount, and must be declared to the tax authorities by the one who get the money,
  3. Whether the rental is made directly with the owner or with an agency, a sub-rental agreement must be drawn up and signed by all parties.

Sites like Swap&studyStudyenjoy or HousingAnywhere exist to exchange your housing unit with another student in France or worldwide.

Temporary housing

For a night, a week or a bit more until you can find permanent housing : there are several temporary housing solutions for students, in addition to hotels :

Housing rental formalities

Putting together a rental file

Whether you live in public or private housing, you must put together a rental file and give it to your landlord, along with several justification documents.

Did you know?

Your landlord does not have the right to request information concerning your health or the health or your guarantor, justification of personal finances nor your police record.



Documents requested : 

  • your bank account information
  • your I.D
  • proof of domiciliation and receipts of the  last  three  rents
  • proof of professional situation : for students, a copy of your  student card or certificate of school  attendance

These are the same documents that will be requested of your guarantor.

Sign a rental lease

If your file is accepted for housing, you must sign a rental lease : this mandatory and official document that lists information concerning the lessor and the lessee. The owner, the renter and the agency (if you are using one) must have a copy of the rental lease.

Find here what you should know (and check) before signing the lease

Don't forget : you must take out housing insurance when you move in.

Do you know the "bail mobilité"(mobility lease) ?

The Bail Mobilité (meaning “mobility lease”) is a new French furnished rental contract for students and tenants looking for an apartment for just a few months. It cannot be extented for longer than 10 months and have specific benefits, opposed to the classic furnished rental leases : you won't be asked to pay a security desposit to the landlord (either you have to present solid guarantee file). 

Get more details about "bail mobilité"


State of the premises

Upon entering and leaving, an assessment must be made of the state of the premises and signed by you to accept the evaluation of the housing unit’s condition. After the assessment, you have 10 days to notify your lessor or agency of any problem that was not noted during the assessment.

Give notice before leaving

To leave a housing unit, the lease must be broken. For an apartment renter, notice must be given 3 months before leaving, or only 1 month before leaving if the apartment is located in a tense area (like most of the Lyon Métropole and Villeurbanne municipalities) : check if you live in a tense area by taping your postal code here.

The release (a letter specifying that you are leaving the housing unit) must be sent by registered letter to your lessor. The date of notice is the postal date of this letter.
